Project Description

Golferenzo, according to the general opinion, was founded by Celtic populations. As stated by Maragliano, its name probably derives from the union of the Celtic terms “goro” (meaning “earth”) and “frin” (meaning “mount”). Frederick Barbarossa, in his redistribution of the fiefs, decided to give Golferenzo to the Pavians and Frederick II confirmed this change, but in 1216 the joined troops of Milan and Piacenza, allied against Pavia, entered the village. Golferenzo began to be involved against its will in an extremely damaging war: apart from the raids of the fighting troops, the village had to suffer from epidemics and famine. Golferenzo became a seigniory of the noble and powerful Belcredi family, who held it with the lands of Brignano, Curano, Casalino, Cassolnovo, Vilanova, Cassolvecchio Monfalto and Montecalvo. Golferenzo is listed among the lands that Emperor Frederick I placed under the dominion of Pavia in 1164; this shows how the territory probably had its own castle with jurisdictional autonomy. In a later period it shared with the neighbour Volpara the fate of Montecalvo Versiggia, held in the 14th century by a local branch of the Beccaria family, and then passed under the branch of Montebello. In 1690, Golferenzo was sold to the Belcredi nobles again with Montecalvo, although the hamlet of Pizzofreddo (which belonged to Golferenzo) passed in that context to Gambarana with Soriasco, definitely detaching itself from Golferenzo. The feud of Montecalvo with Volpara and Golferenzo lasted until 1797, when feudalism was abolished.

